Our Local Business Of The Month – June

You may have seen that we have a new window display (pictured below)and that is because we have decided to showcase a different local business each month. In these uncertain times, we think it is even more important to be supporting local businesses.
And so without further ado, June’s (and our first) local business of month is…
Farmer Teds Shed
Based in Hockley Heath, Farmer Teds Shed is a local farming business that produces superb British produce to the highest standards. They are also now offering delivery to B90, B94 and B95 postcodes, so for those who are self isolating, you don’t have to miss out! We really recommend you get yourself to Obelisk Farm and buy some of their excellent fresh milk – we’re sure you won’t regret it!
To find out more you can visit their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/farmertedsshed/) and website (https://farmertedshed.co.uk/).