Own Books

We are pleased to be able to offer Own Books some temporary storage at our office this season.

Own Books is a wonderful scheme, whose aim is to give all children the chance to enjoy books.

The Scheme was founded in 2014 by Julie de Bastion, after discovering through her involvement with ‘The Reading Army’ that several children did not have books at home.  This inspired her to come up with the idea to provide children in school with free books that they could take home with them to either keep or return.  The Henley Community Library was the first to recognise the potential of this scheme, and gave it their full support, helped find volunteers and space in the library for the ‘Own Books’ bookshelf.  Almost 50 schools are now involved with the Own Books scheme.

If you would like offer your support, book donations, volunteer or provide financial support, then please contact Julie de Bastian at juliedebastion@gmail.com