Malthouse Lane, Earlswood, B94 5RX
Located between Tanworth-in-Arden and Shirley, Earlswood is a popular semi-rural location that provides such amenities as a convenience store, highly regarded nursery and primary school, multiple pubs, village hall, and garage and petrol station. It also offers the Clowes Wood Nature Reserve, Earlswood Garden & Landscape Centre, Earlswood Lakes Craft Centre, and Earlswood Lakes (man-made reservoirs). The property sits within the catchment area for Stratford-upon-Avon, which is has schools to suit all age groups (including public, grammar and private schools) for both boys and girls. It is well placed for easy access to the M42 (J3) motorway, which provides fast links to the M1, M5, M6 and M40 motorways. The closest railway station ("The Lakes") offers regular trains to Stratford-upon-Avon, Shirley, Birmingham City Centre and Worcester.
- Well-Presented Semi-Detached Property
- With Three Bedrooms
- Family Shower Room
- Open Plan Dining/Kitchen/Living Room
- Utility Room and Downstairs WC
- Good-Sized Rear Garden
- Driveway Parking
- Spectacular Views of Earlswood Lakes
- Sought-After Location
Situated on Malthouse Lane in the much sought-after village of Earlswood, this well-presented semi-detached property briefly comprises; three bedrooms, shower room, open plan dining/kitchen/living room, utility room, and downstairs WC. It further benefits from a good-sized rear garden, driveway parking to the front, and spectacular views over the adjoining Earlswood Lakes.
Located between Tanworth-in-Arden and Shirley, Earlswood is a popular semi-rural location that provides such amenities as a convenience store, highly regarded nursery and primary school, multiple pubs, village hall, and garage and petrol station. It also offers the Clowes Wood Nature Reserve, Earlswood Garden & Landscape Centre, Earlswood Lakes Craft Centre, and Earlswood Lakes (man-made reservoirs). The property sits within the catchment area for Stratford-upon-Avon, which is has schools to suit all age groups (including public, grammar and private schools) for both boys and girls. It is well placed for easy access to the M42 (J3) motorway, which provides fast links to the M1, M5, M6 and M40 motorways. The closest railway station ("The Lakes") offers regular trains to Stratford-upon-Avon, Shirley, Birmingham City Centre and Worcester.
Mains electricity, gas, water and drainage are connected to the property.
Council Tax
Stratford on Avon District Council - Band C
Strictly by appointment only, through Earles on 01564 794343
A dilapidations deposit will be applicable – this is equivalent to 5 weeks rent.
A holding deposit is required equivalent to 1 weeks rent.
Earles is a Trading Style of 'John Earle & Son LLP' Registered in England. Company No: OC326726 for professional work and 'Earles Residential Ltd' Company No: 13260015 Agency & Lettings. Registered Office: Carleton House, 266 - 268 Stratford Road, Shirley, West Midlands, B90 3AD.
Please note that all the above information has been provided by the vendor in good faith, but will need verification by the purchaser’s solicitor. Any areas, measurements or distances referred to are given as a guide only and are not precise. Floor plans are not drawn to scale and are provided as an indicative guide to help illustrate the general layout of the property only. The mention of any appliances and/or services in this description does not imply that they are in full and efficient working order and prospective purchasers should make their own investigations before finalising any agreement to purchase. It should not be assumed that any contents, furnishings or other items shown in photographs (which may have been taken with a wide angle lens) are included in the sale. Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property is not a statement that the necessary planning, building regulations, listed buildings or other consents have been obtained. We endeavour to make our details accurate and reliable, but they should not be relied on as statements or representations of fact and they do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. The seller does not give any warranty in relation to the property and we have no authority to do so on their behalf.